Year after year it never fails that the age-old misconception about tax preparation rears its ugly head in the form of comments like “I want you to get me back as much as possible” or “Last year my tax guy let me deduct my dry cleaning expenses for my suits.” The misconception I’m talking about […]
Choosing Your Clients
“Who will I work with?”: A CPA’s story on client acquisition When I started my company The Green Abacus last January, I was faced with the question, “Who will I work with?” As part of a bigger question, “What is my story?” It’s a question I revisit and refresh often. MY STORY I started off […]
Accounting Halloween Costumes
Accounting Halloween Costumes Halloween is fast approaching, and you need a costume. Why? Because someone will invite you to their office party, or your kids will insist you dress up to walk them around the neighborhood, or maybe you’ll decide to throw a party. So you need a costume. Stuck for ideas? Nerd it up. […]
How I Write an Article, Going from Idea to Rough Draft
Since co-starting LessEverything in 2007, I’ve written over 350 blog articles. I never thought I’d spend so much time writing as part of my job. Admittedly, I am not a great writer and I never received A’s in English classes. I didn’t grow up with aspirations to teach, share information or write articles like these. Surprisingly, […]
From Rough Draft to Published Article, Our Editing Process.
In a previous article, I wrote about how we handle our content developmentfor the LessAccounting blog. That article talked about a rough draft article’s origin. We’re not going to cover where we get inspiration for articles or article types. This post is about our editing process after a rough draft is created. People involved in our […]
SEO + Content Development, Simplified. The 3 Types of Articles We Write.
I’ll start by saying content development and search engine optimization will not save your business if you have a shitty product or service. But they do have a small place in our grand marketing adventure. Since 2007, we have written over 500 articles for our blog. We wrote to share, and we wrote to satisfy […]
Easy Estimated Taxes for 2013
What are estimated taxes? Estimated taxes are taxes paid on income that is not subject to withholding. In other words, any income that hasn’t already had taxes automatically deducted. If you’re someone else’s employee and get regular checks, you’ll notice that a portion of your wages is taken out or withheld for taxes. That means […]
Best Software for Freelancers
There is more software available for small businesses and freelancers than ever before, and it’s getting easier and cheaper to use. In an industry where time is money, how can you find the tools that help you earn more and do less? We gathered our favorite software for freelancers that help with everything from productivity, […]
You’re Going Out Of Business, You Just Don’t Realize It
We’ve all driven past businesses with “Going out of Business” signs. Being that our businesses don’t have storefronts, what does a failing freelance career or failing tech business look like? Here’s a common case of a web consultancy A freelancer will get a couple of well-paying clients. Hooray! Months of money earning goes by, slowly […]
Priming a Possible Buyer
With LessAccounting, our goal is to take a website visitor and turn them into a long-term, 36+ month customer. That’s at least a three-year relationship with us. So how do you take a website visitor and convince them to get into a long-term relationship with you? It starts with priming the customer, overcoming objections and […]