Understanding Service Contract Legal Jargon If you’re a videographer, photographer, designer, programmer, or marketer, most client project conversations start with a proposal. If you provide any service, you should be using a contract. In a previous article, we outlined graphic design contracts and mentioned a statement of work. But what is a statement of work or SOW? […]
Graphic Design Contracts Explained
Graphic design contracts or contracts in general should not be scary. Using a contract does not mean you don’t trust your client, or that you’re gearing up for lawsuit. A contract is an outline of how the business relationship and the project will proceed. In its simplest form, a contract takes the information used in […]
How To Track Personal & Business Finances In One Spreadsheet
I’ve been running a small business for six years and I’ve finally settled on a simple way to answer these key questions: Are we making money? And if so, how much? My business is incorporated, so I get paid as an employee and the business has a separate set of financials. I’ve always found it […]
Discover Card
Discover Card Background The Discover Card, the U.S.’s third-largest credit card brand, was created by Sears in 1985 and went national the following year. Initially affiliated with Dean Witter, then Morgan Stanley, it became an independent company, under the name Discover Financial Services (DFS), in 2007. The company never has stressed an interest in serving […]
Make Bookkeeping Tasks Easier with a Schedule
Make Bookkeeping Tasks Easier with a Schedule If you break bookkeeping down into small and scheduled tasks, then it’s simple to stay on top of things. We suggest setting calendar reminders for yourself and your staff. Here’s how we suggest breaking down your bookkeeping tasks. At the end of this article there’s a link to […]
Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services: How They Help You Build a Better Business
Understanding all aspects of your business is part of being an entrepreneur. In the early stages, you have to get comfortable with every department. You are responsible for juggling customer service, sales, marketing, and balancing your bookkeeping. While this experience can be helpful in the long run, it can become overwhelming and inefficient. There is […]
Business Planning Really Does Help
Business owners tend to react in one of two ways when asked to create a business plan: They roll their eyes, knowing they will have to create a complex, 40-page report full of lofty narratives and colorful charts. They mutter something about not needing a plan to operate their businesses because they are not seeking a […]
How To Effectively Use Photography Business Cards to Increase Revenue
Previously I wrote about “Free Photography Contracts”, make sure you checkout that article as well. If you’re a freelance photographer, your photography business cards are tools just like your cameras. Purpose of Business Cards Your photography business cards are marketing. This marketing is designed to increase your client leads. So they aren’t just for current clients, […]
How We Hire a Developer
I’ve been leading development teams for many, many years. Whenever we needed to hire a developer, I tried all sorts of ways to figure out if the person would be as good (technically) as they say. In the old days, I would ask all the right questions, have someone write pseudo code on a whiteboard […]
Qualifying Potential Clients to Save Time
When it comes to potential clients, there are two situations in building a service-based business: No leads or very few client leads: for you, getting a new client lead is a celebration, because you have barely enough work to scrape by and pay the bills. Since your business isn’t slammed with work, you have no fear […]