You’re an entrepreneur–a jack of all trades. You’ve likely dived into almost every aspect of your business headfirst and learned on the fly. That’s one of the beauties of the entrepreneurial journey. You get to learn and grow alongside your business. Generally speaking, there is one area of business that holds most small business owners […]
What is the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?
Which one do I need and why? Even though a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners use the terms “bookkeeping” and “accounting” interchangeably, the two indicate two different types of services. For any business owner, it’s important to know the difference so that they know exactly what to buy, whether it be a service provided […]
Top 9 Accounting Basics for Nonprofits
Learn the basics of setting up and running bookkeeping and accounting systems for nonprofit organizations.
Growing Your Business with the Breakeven Analysis
Let’s pretend we’re a donut shop. We started the business because we wanted to make money (and really like making donuts.) No matter the type of business chosen, we ask the same question as we go through setting up and starting: “When do I get to the point where I start bringing in more money […]
Home Office Tax Deduction Explained
The home office tax deduction is real. If you are new to working from home, you may have never used it, but this valuable tax deduction can have value for the at-home entrepreneur, freelancer, or consultant. However, the IRS does have rules, and two of their keywords are “exclusively” and “regularly.” In other words, the […]
Small Business Tax Deduction Tips
Here’s your no-nonsense rundown of available tax deductions for your small business.
Track Billable Hours with These Tips
Why are you even working if you’re not billing your hours? Until you know how many hours a week you work, you’ll never know how much you’re actually getting paid. It could be five dollars an hour or five hundred. To learn how much your time is worth, you absolutely need to track your time. […]
Why Are Your Clients Paying Late – Understanding How To Get Paid
As a business, a crucial part of success is managing your cash flow. All the amazing branding and wonderful customer service in the world won’t keep your doors open. No matter your industry–cash keeps your business functioning. A big part of managing your cash flow includes understanding how to get paid. We’ve talked before about […]
Net 30 vs Net 90 – The Best Way To Get Your Business Paid
Basically no one goes into business because they think to themselves, ”I’m a great business person,” or, “I can’t wait to debate the intricate differences between net 30 and net 90 with clients.” No, you go into business because everyone loves your photographs, or you’re an amazing writer, or because you love to cook and […]
Year End Tax Planning, Start Planning Now!
Year after year it never fails that the age-old misconception about tax preparation rears its ugly head in the form of comments like “I want you to get me back as much as possible” or “Last year my tax guy let me deduct my dry cleaning expenses for my suits.” The misconception I’m talking about […]