Business Owners: Does the employer mandate apply to me?
If you have less than 50 full-time employees, then no, you are not required to supply health insurance for your staff. Additionally, you are not required to compensate them in any way for their health insurance.
If you have 50 or more full-time employees, start by reading
this article.
I’m not going to go into these employer mandates because we don’t have that many employees, and I don’t think most of our readers do either.
Personal Note:
LessEverything Inc. currently has a small business group insurance plan for our company. We previously did this because of my size (giant) and various other health issues within our company required us to have a plan that accepted anyone. The new Affordable Healthcare Act makes insurance companies accept anyone regardless of pre-existing health issues. I’ve spoken to five different insurance agents and they all advised me to break apart our group into individual or family policies. While we haven’t made a decision on which plan or health care provider we’re choosing, we do plan to make the decision public. I will write an article on how that goes.
We’re looking into setting up a Health Reimbursement Arrangement for our employees. Of course there are services that help companies reimburse employees like Zenefits, Maxwell Health, and Zane Benefits
We’re considering paying for our employees to be apart of a supplementary service called FreshBenies. Freshbenies includes 24/7 call a doctor service, advocacy, health discounts & more – all in one easy-to-use card.
Additional Reading
- What is a full-time employee? An employee who works an average of at least 30 hours per week. (So part-time would be less than 30 hours per week.)
- Do you have “seasonal employees”?
- In 1993, the Family and Medical Leave Act was passed, and here’s some additional reading.
Misunderstandings & Myths